How to say - 意見分歧
淨係識 People have different opinions?
描述意見分歧係議論文入面好常用嘅講法,特別係喺 introduction,指出議題已引起大眾關注及討論,係值得探討,因此本文將解說或比較雙方原因 / 表達本人意見。所以無論係 one-sided/ two-sided argumentative 定係 expository,都可以用到呢d 有用嘅 expressions 😌
1. Opinions are split on … / Opinions are divided on …
Opinions are split on whether digital payment can substitute coins and banknotes.
2. There is a wide spectrum of opinions on …
[ spectrum = 光譜 🌈 即各種各樣 ]
There is a wide spectrum of opinions on whether the government should expedite public housing construction.
3. X crosses swords with Y over …
[ cross swords = 格劍 ⚔️ 即交鋒 ]
The candidate crossed swords with her counterpart over transport policies on an election forum.
4. X takes issue with Y over …
[ takes issue with = 強烈反對 ]
While the progressive parties have been advocating the legalisation of euthanasia, the conservatives have taken issue with it.
文章要寫得生動有趣,可以借用字詞嘅引申意義,例如用 spectrum 表達意見有如光譜一樣多元,並非二分。又例如借用 cross swords 去描述雙方爭持不下,互有攻守。多學習運用呢類寫法可以增加文章色彩同動感,場景更具體。